Plato Academy turns stories over to the imaginations of young people who infuse them with energy, power and ingenuity.


Plato Academy



Immersive Literacy

When you provide children with a safe, judgement-free space to use their imaginations and explore their curiosities, you help them conquer their fears and discover the magic that exists in themselves and their world.

We believe that these unconventional learning experiences will allow children to transform into free thinking, creative innovators.

Hero’s Journey

Our lesson structures are based on Joseph Campbell’s The Hero Journey, which services as a universal template for the character, plot, and narrative development for writers across all fiction genres and storytelling platforms from film to digital to auditory. We use this template as the building blocks of developing students-as-heroes in the mythological world, complementing their in-class lessons.


Teaching Artists

In the age of technology, transforming children into lovers of literature takes herculean effort. Our talented and dedicated staff stand ready to labor.

We grow from a core year-round leadership team to an army of part-time/seasonal staff comprised of talented teachers, teaching artists, performers, college students and recent graduates, all of whom share our philosophy and commitment to kids.

Board of Directors

  • Crystal Bobb-Semple, President
  • Doreen Mensah, Treasurer
  • Mandisa Turner, Secretary
  • Claudius Jones
  • Jessica Chong
  • Scott Schroeder

Our Programs
